Sunday, December 11, 2011

Final Reflection

Blog Post #14

Top Ten Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom

Technology and Education

In the video "Top Ten Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom," Jose Picardo discusses ways that teachers can use technology in the classroom in order to enhance students' learning. In this blog post I will discuss Picardo's tips and provide my own opinions of each.

1. Use streaming video. I think this is a very important tool. I can remember in high school how I loved when the teacher would tell us that we were watching a movie or a video for the day. I believe that children are visual learners. If you are in an art class teaching about a dance, why not pull up a youtube video showing the actual dance? This will help students to engage in a particular subject being taught.

2. Use music. Music is a very resourceful tool in the classroom. How many students have you met that can recite word for word every song that is on the radio? This would be great to use as a tool for memorizing certain things, such as numbers or letters. If a student was learning a language such as Spanish, making a catchy song that included the names of each number would help a student to memorize those numbers.

3. Use videoconferencing. Skype and other videoconferencing tools are very new to me, but just in the short amount of time that I have used them, I have fell in love with all the possibilities of it. Teachers can use skype in order to talk to people in other states or countries, who have otherwise might not have been able to visit the classroom as a guest speaker.

4. Make your own interactive exercises. Students of all ages love to play games. Games make learning fun and by incorporating technology into it, you are combining the vest of both worlds.

5. Use interactive whiteboard more effectively. I have just learned to use the Smartboard this year and I think it is one of the coolest things ever. It is amazing how much the Smartboard can do and how it can make learning and teaching so interactive. I will definitely make the most out of my Smartboard if I am lucky enough to have one in my classroom. I am so enthusiastic about it and I know this enthusiasm will trickle down to my future students.

6. Create your own podcasts. We learned about podcasts earlier in the semester and after creating my own, I am more interested in them. I think podcasts are great for teachers to create because it allows children to study at home if teachers make them available online. They are actually able to hear the teacher's voice, and this may help them to gain a better understanding of the material being taught, just as if they were in the classroom.

7. Start a blog. logs are a great way for students and teachers to interact. Students may comment on something a teacher has written and share their ideas.

8. Use social networks. As Picardo stated in the video, social networks such as Twitter and Facebook are very controversial when it comes to educational use, but I believe when used the right way, it can be very beneficial for both teachers and students.

9. Use internet tools. The internet is so broad that there is no limit to what can be done with it. Teachers all over the world use the internet for so many resources in the classroom and it is so helpful in allowing students to research and learn from others across the world.

10. Make the most of your pupils' gadgets. Just about every student in this day and age has a cell phone and an mp3 player. By providing material and lessons that can be viewed on these devices, it allows students to learn on devices that they are already familiar with.

Blog Post #13

My Teacher is an App

Computer and diploma

In the article, "My Teacher is an App," Stephanie Banchero discusses how online education has grown in the last few years. Now, students are able to attend school completely online, or at least take half of their course load online. According to Evergreen Educational Group "250,000 students are now enrolled in online virtual schools." Although many states are jumping on the virtual school bandwagon, many states are alarmed by the idea because it had been proven that students who are enrolled in online schools score significantly lower that students who attend traditional schools. However, many people like the idea of a virtual school, mainly students and parents, because it provides flexible hours and students can work and learn at their own pace. A student who excels in a particular subject can be enrolled in a grade level higher than the one he or she is currently in. Another advantage is that it saves many school districts a lot of money by having virtual schools.

However, Banchero also states the disadvantages to completely virtual schools. Students miss out on that one-on-one teacher-student time. Altough phone calls, emails, and video conferences are available, it is not the same as talking to a teacher and expressing thoughts and concerns in person. Also, the article points out that students who learn completely online lack the necessary interaction with other students and this may hinder the growth of their social skills.

My reaction to this article is one that is caught in the middle. Personally, I do not care for online classes. I am one who finds it more beneficial to be in a classroom where I can engage in what is being taught. It helps me to understand better, and to make better grades. However, I do see how attending an online school can be beneficial to many people. It allows students to make their own schedule, and to learn at a pace that is most beneficial to them. I think it is a necessary to have a happy medium. There are some schools that are both online and in the classroom, and I think that is the best option. It provides the best of both worlds and allows students to have time in person with their teacher, but to also work online when it is convenient for them. I think it is important, especially for K-12 students, to attend school so that they may interact with other students and build their social skills. These are important years for a child and if they spend all day looking at a computer screen, what are they really learning about the world around them? Some life experiences you cannot simply get from the computer. I think technology is very important in education, but just like Banchero stated in her article "...the computer can't do it alone."

Blog Post #11

Skype Interview with Mrs. Cassidy

Mrs. Cassidy is a very inspiring educator who has a love for children and technology and her goal every year is to teach her students how broad and exciting technology is. Her approach to using technology is very interesting and fun for students. Students are motivated by writing on their blogs because they are able to know how many people see and comment on their blog posts. This fact alone can really motivate a child to want to write more, knowing that they have an audience that is interested in what they have to say. Mrs. Cassidy explains that every child has different interests, and there are so many entry points into learning about technology.

Although many teachers are very excited about technological advances, many parents may not share in their excitement. There are many dangers out there when it comes to the internet, and parents may be weary of the fact that their child has access to this at the school. A very important thing that I would do is talk to all my parents at the beginning of the school year, and explain my program to them. I would make sure that they know exactly what their child is doing, and even explain to them that this is a great way to monitor their child's progress in the classroom. I will also have them sign, just so that I can protect myself as well as the students.

There are so many benefits to using technology in the classroom in order to enhance a student's learning. There are so many ways for students to use the internet to explore any topic or lesson, and there are also so many ways for the children to collaborate with others around the world and to even interact with children in other countries. The internet opens up a wide range of possibilities for these children and it opens doors to a whole new world for these students.

the world and the internet